Corporate Sponsorship


Join CYP’s Corporate Sponsorship Community!


Looking for a great way to advertise your awesome business while helping CYP grow at the same time?

There are some great corporate sponsorship opportunities available to share the good word about your business to a large and rapidly growing audience of young professionals in the Raleigh area.

The Schmooze:

The Schmooze is a curated weekly email with inspirational, meaningful and fun content on Jewish thought, holidays and CYP community happenings, read by hundreds of local folks here in Raleigh.

Help continue to fill the CYP fam’s inboxes with a Friday morning pick-me-up.

1 week sponsorship: $180

2 week sponsorship + listing in CYP’s community guide: $360

4 week sponsorship + listing + social media shoutout: $720

Event Sponsorship:

CYP’s events marketing reaches 1000s of people via social media, and as many as 130+ in person attendees.. From First Fridays Shabbat Dinner, Passover Seders & Purim Parties, to CYP’s Chanukah party, it is a great platform to advertise your business while helping CYP grow at the same time.

First Friday sponsor + 2 week Schmooze featured sponsor: $1000

CYP Holiday event co-sponsor + 4 week Schmooze featured sponsor: $2500

CYP Holiday event lead sponsor + 4 week Schmooze featured sponsor: $5000